Orna and Matthew Walters are dating coaches and founders of Creating Love On Purpose with a holistic approach to transforming hidden blocks to love, and the authors of Getting It Right This Time.
Holistic Dating Coaches Orna and Matthew Walters recognize your difficulties to find lasting love because they’ve been where you are. They weren’t high school sweethearts. They didn’t meet in college. In fact, they didn’t come together until they were both over 40.
They jokingly state that one of their best qualifications for being holistic dating coaches is that between the two of them, they’ve made every mistake when it comes to love and dating…

They’ve picked the wrong partner
They’ve been emotionally unavailable
They’ve had their hearts broken
However, Orna and Matthew didn’t let these setbacks stop them from creating long-lasting love. Separately, they began a journey to discover how to create the love they each desired. A lifelong love with an ideal mate.
Orna’s journey began in earnest after a boyfriend tried to kill her. She didn’t let this traumatic event, nor the chaos in her childhood home harden her heart. Instead, these past events propelled her to discover healing her heart and to move forward with confidence and freedom of choice.
While Matthew didn’t grow up with the same dramatic childhood, he struggled with addiction as a young adult. After sobering up in his early 30’s he had a spiritual awakening that began a journey to open his heart to love. Releasing his cynicism and discovering the source of his emotional unavailability put Matthew on a mission to find the love of his life.
They have humbled themselves and asked for help
They have done their work
And they are living the rewards…
Soulmates for life. Friends forever. Business partners. Gardening buddies. Kitty parents. Travel companions. Co-authors. And lovers for life.
They laugh and cry together.
They weather the storms of life together.
They find joy in each other’s accomplishments and challenge each other to push past their limitations.
They never give up on each other. Never.
Are they a unicorn couple? One in a million? An unrepeatable event?
Absolutely not.
They’ve simply walked the path you’re on with conviction and curiosity.
That path begins with becoming aware of how you got to where you are, to discover the underlying hidden blocks to love driving your choices in love and dating. This awareness puts you in the driver’s seat to create the change you desire.
Next comes transformation. Releasing your emotional stories to connect with yourself so you can then find connection with another person. Their unique Walters Method™ processes bring in-session transformative experiences that you can never un-have or un-learn — just like riding a bike.
Once you have an inner shift, your outer world experience changes leading to manifesting your ideal relationship. Creating the vision of your true soul partnership guides you through the dating process and gives you the discernment to choose wisely with your head and your heart in harmony.
If you’ve struggled with love and dating your ideal relationship exists in your blind spot. Holistic dating coaches, Orna and Matthew Walters are here to shine the light and guide you to create the long-lasting, soul-satisfying love you desire and deserve.